Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 10/5/11

Amended and Approved on 10/19/11

Sharon Town Hall

Filmed by SCTV


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow, Chair 

Jane Desberg, Treasurer

A new Conservation Commission Member needs to be appointed

Susan Rich

Allen Garf  - absent

Anne Bingham  - absent

Marc Bluestein




J.J. McGrath

Dave Martin


Meeting Initiation

Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM. The conversation began with the fire truck purchase discussion.


Projects - Historic Fire Truck

Dave Martin of the Sharon Fire Department and J.J. McGrath of the Sharon Police Department presented the Committee with the official application to consider.


Lieutenant McGrath said the truck is a 1923 Stewart Maxim Fire Truck built for the Town. It was in service from 1925- 1953. At that time a new more modern aerial truck was purchased and this truck was sold to the Town of Dunstable for 10 years. It then remained idle for the next 30 years.  A Canadian man purchased Ladder No. 1 and it underwent a complete restoration. It was used in various parades and community affairs in Canada. The truck has been returned to 95% of its original form. The owner, Mr. Rose contacted the Sharon Fire Department to ask them if they were interested in purchasing it. Dave Martin and J.J. McGrath raised $10,000 in a fund raising campaign. J.J. McGrath took a home equity loan to purchase the truck. They brought the truck back to Town and it is being stored at the DPW for protection. CPA funds are being requested to help pay for the truck and its transport. They are requesting $25,000 for the ladder truck and $5,000 for the trailer. They have already raised $10,000.


Ms. Desberg said that at the last meeting, the Committee realized that in addition to the purchase price there is insurance and gas and monies needed for future maintenance. She asked how the $25,000 price was reached.


J.J. McGrath said he talked to a collectors association and there is no book to give you the exact value but looking at other ladder trucks in that condition, the price seemed fair.

He said if Town Meeting does not approve the purchase of the truck then the fund raising effort will need to continue.


Dave Martin suggested that perhaps a carriage house would have to be built to store the truck in the future.

Ms. Rich said she spoke to the Community Preservation Coalition and they said that there should be monies behind the $30,000 cost, to maintain the truck. She said this is within the rules of the CPA.


Chair Snow said he is not concerned with the eligibility; he is concerned about the entity that owns it. The Community Preservation Act is silent on the matter of ownership and he said he needs to explore this further. He is concerned with the chain of custody and does not want to have a legal issue. He said for Town Meeting, we need to make it clear who would own the truck.


Lieutenant McGrath said he will speak with Ben Puritz for direction to see if it can go to a private entity if CPA Funds are used.


Mr. Bluestein asked if the Board of Selectmen supported this purchase and Dave Martin replied they voted 2-0-0 in favor.


Mr. Bluestein asked it the Brockton Fire Museum would have space for the truck. Dave Martin said that Brockton is full and he would like to keep the truck in Sharon. The truck can be used in surrounding town parades as well. He said he would also like to write the “Sharon Fire Department “in gold leaf on the side of the truck.


Ms. Rich moved that the CPC provide funding for the purchase of the antique truck with conditions we have answers of who will own it and where it will be stored. It will be $25,000 for the truck and $5,000 for the trailer. Ms. Desberg seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-0 in favor of purchasing the antique fire truck.


Chair Snow said that the applicant will need to make a presentation to Town Meeting regarding the antique fire truck.  Lieutenant McGrath said the truck will be brought to Town Meeting for all to see.


Mr. Bluestein asked how much money has been spent for the historical category. Chair Snow said that nothing has been allocated for 2012 for historic. From fiscal 2011 there was reserve and prior to that it had been zeroed out.



Chair Snow said he was contacted by the School Administration Building Reuse Committee for questions and answers on the CPA and allowable uses/eligibility for funding the building. This could be a topic of discussion in the future.



Ms. Rich moved to approve the meeting minutes of 9/15/11 as written. Ms. Desberg seconded the motion and the Committee voted 3-0-1 (Bluestein) in favor.


Next Meeting Dates



Meeting Adjournment

Ms. Desberg moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM and Ms. Rich seconded the motion. The Committee voted 4-0-0 in favor.



1. Application for the Antique Fire Truck